Tag Archives: backyard birds

Subtle Colors Under Overcast Skies: Biding Time

February may be the shortest month, but it seems the longest in its often dull, overcast days when winter seems to have overstayed her welcome. Imagine that waiting game for the wildlife in our midst. The mourning doves are just sitting quietly, taking it all in, possibly knowing that, in time, this too shall pass. […]


The Mourning Doves Are Biding Their Time

The sun is shining, the deep cold is lifting, and the mourning doves are just sitting quietly taking it all in. What do doves do all day? Just kind of hang out waiting for something to happen? The doves always seem to have some purpose beyond just sitting there, but sit they will for hours, […]


Greetings From Our Backyard Birds

“That would make a great card!” That’s usually how I decide which of my paintings or photos will end up as a greeting card or note card, following the advice of someone’s suggestion. When it comes to my birds, many of the paintings and photos are from winter, when the birds are simply easier to […]


Greetings From Our Backyard Birds

“That would make a great card!” That’s usually how I decide which of my paintings or photos will end up as a greeting card or note card, following the advice of someone’s suggestion. When it comes to my birds, many of the paintings and photos are from winter, when the birds are simply easier to […]